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Why Choose Us

Best offers from the house

Best Rent Service

At only 200m from the airport Tuzla you can use our accommodation services as well as short-term or long-term rental of parking in the open or closed part of the parking lot as well as car rental. Our apartments are decorated with a lot of love and attention, offering comfort in equal measure. Once you visit us you always come back because with us you can feel at home. We have three accommodation units and 8 beds. Studio apartment for three people and an apartment for 5 people which includes a triple and double room, kitchen and bathroom, as well as two balconies. Our parking is fully secured with both physical and technical protection by 24 hour video surveillance. We also offer a car rental agency and we will be happy to answer your requests and inquiries.

Denis Dedić

Denis Dedić

Rent House Owner

An educated and business man who is always ready to help. He has been running two companies successfully for many years. A tolerant and responsible person who keeps his promises at all costs.

Denis Dedić

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